March 6, 2017 By: PauperTim
Deadpool Main Character Level 1

Since I saw the Deadpool 2 Teaser Trailer today, I decided to post my slowpool decklist in its current state.

The principal of the deck is that while Deadpool can win fast, he often runs out of steam. Seeing that he has 6 health, why not plan for a little longer game and try to outlast other decks with the ability to give his team Lethal. I did play this in a tournament last fall that had 8 people in it and got second place. Let's dive into the decklist.


Deck Archetype: Deadpool Midrange
Deck Author: PauperTim
Card Preview Image

Main Characters

Supporting Characters (31)

Plot Twists (13)

Locations (16)

I took the base Deadpool aliens deck that has been going around and fused it with The Dragon deck which had a better late game. The late game part really shines with your team getting Lethal, allowing you to clean up the board.

This deck could be tinkered around with and probably should be. I could see only running 3 Rockets and running another Newborn or The Queen. Also the defensive plot twists could be changed up. uncanny defense can stop a team attack on the queen or send an attack to The Perfect Organism at the right time. This plot twist is very powerful, yet at the same time very situational so that is why I only have one copy. The surprise factor has kept people guessing in tournaments.

Let's Rock as added like Uncanny Defense because sometimes you need defensive plot twists. However, this one can also work on offense in a pinch. Often the Alien characters don't need much of anything as their attack value is so high, so in lieu of Open Fire, I chose to try Let's Rock and it has performed well.

I could see cutting some things in different areas to add to other areas. I could see a Knowhere location or two, or adding another copy of Newborn or Queen. I think 3 might be the right number for these cards to generally come out on curve most of the time.

The deck has a lot of versatility and doesn't rely on the perfect draw and a stumbling opponent to get an early win. An early win is still possible and I have gotten turn 4 alternate kills still with the deck, but the longevity of the deck is much better.

Most of the supporting characters in this deck have 2 health but are still pretty frail. Iceman helps act as an open fire late game to team attack with Deadpool, and it slows down the assault on your larger drops late game. It is a much better addition than Adolescent Xenomorphs. I'd rather range attack and try to stun than waste a spook on an early character that I will be able to deal with. I try to save spooks for late game on harder to deal with characters with counters on them.

The Ovomorphs are in there for a distraction though I have had them prove to be useful capturing keep characters via a Queen activation. They are also nice to slip into the curve, say Rocket and Ovomorph turn 4, so I could spook and get it back that turn.

I could see going down to 2 X-Factor, though having them in hand when you do drop The Perfect Organism, Newborn, or The Queen with Deadpool's lethal ability activated can clean quite a bit of the board up. I definitely wouldn't run more than 3 though. This is definitely a board control catch up card in this deck rather than a card you play only if you are already winning, which some people tend to view its use as in most decks.

Trade Offs

This deck does trade off some early aggression for a better late game, but it still won't compete with some of the other characters late game. I think that the more aggressive version of Deadpool is better against Luke Cage and a few other decks that rely on a heavier late game, but those decks aren't unbeatable with this. I did get trounced in the tournament to a Sister Grimm Deck because it had a better draw so I'm not sure it was fully indicative of the matchup.

About the Author

PauperTim is this websites owner and has always been into games of all sorts. He is a founder of the Pauper format for Magic: The Gathering. You can find him on facebook, twitter or OCTGN as PauperTim or as TheOrangeMitten on Magic Online.